Friday, July 29, 2011

Pour Kristen

Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ...
Autre fois, Kristen Nicole Carden et moi avions un songe. C'était le songe d'une vie (translate as lifetime please)! Après avoir entendu la chanson "Aux Champs Elysées" et après avoir appris qu'il y a des Macdonalds (MacDo) en France, on a décidé qu'il FAUT
aller aux Champs Elysées (où il y a tout ce que vous voulez!) et manger à MacDo.

Kristen n'est pas en France avec moi, car ella dois aider les enfants en Inde cet été. Mais, je veux qu'elle sache que j'ai réalisé notre rêve! Et c'était magnifique!

Et bien SUR il y a seulement UNE chose que j'aurais pu choisit pour mon dîner. C'était la choses la plus proche d'un Spicey Chicken Sandwhich!


  1. For Kristen

    For those of you who didn't know...
    In the past, Kristen Nicole Carden and I had a dream. It was a dream of a lifetime! After hearing the song "Aux Champs Elysées" and after learning that there are McDonalds (colloquially called Macdo there) in France, we decided that it was necessary to go to Champs Elysées (where there is everything you want!) and eat at Macdo.

    Kristen isn't here in France with me because she needs to help children in India this summer. But I want her to know that I accomplished our dream! It was magnificent!

    And of COURSE there is only ONE thing I could have chosen for dinner. It was the closest thing to a Spicey Chicken Sandwich!

  2. AHH!! Elisabeth! I am so honored by this post! I miss you a whole lot when you are in France and I am in India! I definitely walked down the Champs Elysees when I was in Paris in May (and I sang that song! Also, I sang it with a guy from Paris who I met here in Amritsar!), but I did not eat at Macdo. Thank you for experiencing it for us! Please forgive me for not writing in French--yours has far surpassed mine, so I don't want to embarrass myself :)

    Basically, I love you a lot. I am so happy that you're getting married so soon! Also, I want to hear all about McDonalds in Paris and I will tell you about McDonalds in Amritsar because we definitely went there twice!!

    Oh my lands, I just adore you :D Also, you are beautiful in all these pictures! And I love reading your blog, it sounds like you're having the time of your life.
